This year’s status seminar of the BMBF Mathematics Program took place on 19 and 20 November at the Maritim Hotel in Bonn. Twenty-one projects in the two funding lines “Healthy Living” and “Energy Turnaround” presented their results. This year, the focus was on the application perspective. The collaborative research initiative IBOSS (Information Based Optimization of Surgery Schedules) was presented by Dr. Joachim Gerst of the Charité hospital. His lecture described the practice of surgical planning, the challenges that arise there,...Read More
Die zentrale Fragestellung des Workshops war die Identifikation von Themen und Technologien, die als Treiber für Innovationen dienen können. Hierbei lag der Focus klar auf der Verbindung von High-Performance Computing mit modernsten Algorithmen für maschinelles Lernen und Entscheidungsunterstützung bei der Verwendung komplexer Daten. Veranstaltungsort: National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Tokio, Japan Datum: 26.09.-01.10.2018 Zeit: 09:00 bis 18:00 Uhr Veranstalter: Institute of Mathematics for Industry (IMI) der University of Kyushu Institute of Statistical Mathematics (ISM) Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB) Forschungscampus...Read More
On September 19, 2018 Research Campus MODAL hosted the BMBF workshop “Complementary Objectives: Innovation Needs Professionals”. The event focused on the exchange of experience among the research campuses. The participants of the workshop discussed various opportunities to support young scientists to develop high skilled professionals of tomorrow. At the same time, young scientists from all research campuses had the opportunity to present their research results in a science slam. The following day the Research Campus MODAL, located at ZIB, presented...Read More