BMBF Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung

Research-Campus MODAL



Gioni Mexi and Coauthors win CPAIOR Best Student Paper Award

Gioni Mexi and his coauthors Somayeh Shamsi, Mathieu Besancon, and Pierre Le Bodic won the Best Student Paper Award at the 21st International Conference on the Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research (CPAIOR), which was held on May 28-31, 2024, in Uppsala, Sweden. Gioni Mexi is a PhD student in the SynLab of the Research Campus MODAL, where he works on advancing the state of the art in mixed-integer linear programming. The paper titled “Probabilistic Lookahead Strong...
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BMBF and DESY visit Research Campus MODAL

BMBF’s Department 711 and Projektträger DESY visited the Research Campus MODAL on May 27th/28th, 2024. With a guided tour of the FUBIC construction site, a tour of the six labs of the research campus and the LISE supercomputer, as well as discussions with the campus management and its industrial partners, the MODAL presented its work and success stories. The photo shows (from left to right) Katrin Winkler (ZIB), Kartin Rost-Drese (ZIB), Ralf Borndörfer (ZIB/FU Berlin), Timo Berthold (FICO), Togrul Gönden...
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Pedro Maristany defends thesis at FU Berlin

Pedro Maristany de las Casas successfully defended his dissertation “ New Multiobjective Shortest Path Algorithms“ at the Institute of Mathematics at Freie Universität Berlin on Mai 15, 2024. He developed the currently fastest algorithms for multicriteria shortest path optimization with three and more objectives for the 1-to-all, 1-to-1, and the time-dependent case, as well as the best fully polynomial time approximation scheme. An application of his method provides the fastest three and more objective spanning tree algorithm and new k-simple...
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