Graph design has a wide range of applications in computer systems, including future supercomputers and future high-end datacenters. Computer network designers desire to find a graph with a small number of hops between any pair of vertices to have low latency. The order/degree problem is used for low-latency network design. Graph Golf is an international competition of the order/degree problem that has been organized yearly since 2015. Its goal is to assemble a catalog of the smallest-diameter graphs for every...Read More
The 5th workshop of the cooperation between ZIB and the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (ISM) Tokyo and the Institute of Mathematics for Industry of Kyushu University, established in 2016, was held at the MODAL research campus from 27-09-30-21, for the first time as a virtual workshop due to the pandemic situation. Another sponsor was RIKEN, Japan’s largest interdisciplinary research institution. Almost 50 lectures on the topics of the MODAL Labs formed the scientific program of the workshop. Speakers came from...Read More
“INFORMS Journal of Computing”, one of the most prestigious journals for the publication of research articles in the field of mathematical optimization, regularly honors outstanding publications with the “Meritorious Paper Award”. Recently, two ZIB researchers, Dr. Timo Berthold and Mr. Jakob Witzig, had the honor to receive this award. The award-winning article describes how to transfer a technique called “conflict analysis” from linear optimization to non-linear optimization. The results are implemented in the non-linear optimization solver SCIP developed at the...Read More