Since Monday, nine international students from the USA and Europe are taking part in the 7th edition of the G-RIPS summer program. The program is jointly organized by IPAM and ZIB and enables excellent students to work on projects that have both an academic core and a strong industrial connection. This year’s project are in the areas of optimization, AutoML for biomedicine and HPC and are based on the topics of the MODAL research campus and are supported by the...Read More
On May 12th, the 9 funded research campi met in the premises of the research campus STIMULATE (Solution Center for Image Guided Local Therapies) to exchange their experiences on the topic of IPR (Intellectual Property Rights). This took place after an inspiring keynote by jury member Prof. Dr. Klaus-Jürgen Melulis in three work phases, concluded with a presentation by patent attorney Dipl.-Ing. dr Norbert Struck; Of course, there was also a tour of highly interesting STIMULATE projects. Each campus was...Read More
The 14th Annual Workshop Photonic Devices (AMPD2022) has been successfully held at Zuse Institute Berlin. Six invited talks and 26 contributed talks related to numerical methods, simulation and physical properties of novel photonic devices. This motivated fruitful discussion among the 70 international participants of the on-site 2-day workshop. The workshop has been organized by the Computational Nano Optics group at Zuse Institute Berlin.Read More