Since its inception 20 years ago at Zuse Institute Berlin, SCIP has become one of the most versatile solvers and frameworks for research in mixed integer optimization. To celebrate the first recorded commit message documenting the start of SCIP’s development, a workshop was held to discuss past, present and future developments ( The workshop was held on November 4th, 2022 and featured two invited plenary talks alongside 16 presentations about current work from researchers around the world. Merve Bodur (University...Read More
The INFORMS awards the George B. Dantzig Dissertation Award for outstanding dissertations on the interaction between academia and industry. Awardees have demonstrated innovative research relevant to practice in operations research or management science. Daniel Rehfeldt made it to the finals of 2022 for his thesis on “Faster algorithms for Steiner tree and related problems: From theory to practice.” The other finalists were Anish Agarwal (MIT), Ruihao Zhu (MIT), and Su Jia (Carnegie Mellon University), who was awarded for his thesis...Read More
Enrico Bortoletto, Niels Lindner and Berenike Masing (ZIB MobilityLab) have received the Best Paper Award at ATMOS 2022. Their contribution “Tropical Neighbourhood Search: A New Heuristic for Periodic Timetabling” introduces a novel algorithm for optimizing periodic timetables in public transport using the techniques of tropical geometry. ATMOS 2022, the 22nd Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems, is an international forum for researchers in the area of algorithms and optimization methods to facilitate planning and operational management...Read More