Jan David Fischbach, Fridtjof Betz, Nigar Asadova, Pietro Tassan, Darius Urbonas, Thilo Stöferle, Rainer F. Mahrt, Sven Burger, Carsten Rockstuhl, Felix Binkowski, Thomas Jebb Sturges
Nigar Asadova, Karim Achouri, Kristian Arjas, Baptiste Ajuguié, Roland Aydin, Alexandre Baron, Dominik Beutel, Bernd Bodermann, Kaoutar Boussaoud, Sven Burger, Minseok Choi, Krzysztof Czajkowski, Andrey B. Evlyukhin, Atefeh Fazel-Najafabadi, Ivan Fernandez-Corbaton, Puneet Garg, David Globosits, Ulrich Hohenester, Hongyoon Kim, Seokwoo Kim, Philippe Lalanne, Eric C. Le Ru, Jörg Meyer, Jungho Mun, Lorenzo Patelli, Lukas Pflug, Carsten Rockstuhl, Junsuk Rho, Stefan Rotter, Brian Stout, Päivi Törmä, Jorge Olmos Trigo, Frank Tristram, Nikolaos L. Tsitsas, Renaud Vallée, Kevin Vynck, Thomas Weiss, Peter Wiecha, Thomas Wriedt, Vassilios Yannopapas, Maxim A. Yurkin, Grigorios P. Zouros
24th Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2024), pp. 13:1-13:19, Vol.123, Open Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs), 2024 (epub ahead of print)
Proceedings of the 11th International Network Optimization Conference (INOC), Dublin, Ireland, March 11-23, 2024, pp. 58-63, 2024 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 23-29)
Preceedings of the 16th International Conference on Management of Digital Ecosystems, Communications in Computer and Information Science (Springer CCIS), 2024 (accepted for publication)
Katharine Sherratt, Ajitesh Srivastava, Kylie Ainslie, David E. Singh, Aymar Cublier, Maria Cristina Marinescu, Jesus Carretero, Alberto Cascajo Garcia, Nicolas Franco, Lander Willem, Steven Abrams, Christel Faes, Philippe Beutels, Niel Hens, Sebastian Müller, Billy Charlton, Ricardo Ewert, Sydney Paltra, Christian Rakow, Jakob Rehmann, Tim Conrad, Christof Schütte, Kai Nagel, Sam Abbott, Rok Grah, Rene Niehus, Bastian Prasse, Frank Sandmann, Sebastian Funk
Operations Research Proceedings 2024: Selected Papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), Germany, September 3-6, 2024 (OR2024), 2024 (accepted for publication, preprint available as ZIB-Report 24-10)
Julianus Pfeuffer, Chris Bielow, Samuel Wein, Kyowon Jeong, Eugen Netz, Axel Walter, Oliver Alka, Lars Nilse, Pasquale Domenico Colaianni, Douglas McCloskey, Jihyung Kim, George Rosenberger, Leon Bichmann, Mathias Walzer, Johannes Veit, Bertrand Boudaud, Matthias Bernt, Nikolaos Patikas, Matteo Pilz, Michał Piotr Startek, Svetlana Kutuzova, Lukas Heumos, Joshua Charkow, Justin Cyril Sing, Ayesha Feroz, Arslan Siraj, Hendrik Weisser, Tjeerd M. H. Dijkstra, Yasset Perez-Riverol, Hannes Röst, Oliver Kohlbacher, Timo Sachsenberg
24th Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2024), pp. 4:1-4:18, Vol.123, Open Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs), 2024
24th Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2024), pp. 11:1-11:16, Vol.123, Open Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs), 2024
22nd International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA 2024), pp. 16:1-16:22, Vol.301, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), 2024
Operations Research Proceedings 2024: Selected Papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), Germany, September 3-6, 2024 (OR2024), 2024 (accepted for publication, preprint available as ZIB-Report 24-07)
Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research, pp. 259-276, Vol.14742, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2024
Operations Research Proceedings 2024: Selected Papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), Germany, September 3-6, 2024 (OR2024), 2024 (accepted for publication, preprint available as ZIB-Report 24-08)
David Van Bulck, Dries Goossens, Jan-Patrick Clarner, Angelos Dimitsas, Georg H. G. Fonseca, Carlos Lamas-Fernandez, Martin Mariusz Lester, Jaap Pedersen, Antony E. Phillips, Roberto Maria Rosati
23rd Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2023), pp. 13:1-13:15, Vol.115, Open Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs), 2023
Proceedings of the 4th Wikidata Workshop 2022 co-located with the 22st International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2023), 2023 (accepted for publication)
Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research. CPAIOR 2023., pp. 52-68, Vol.13884, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2023 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 22-28)
29th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2023), pp. 27:1-27:19, Vol.280, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), 2023
23rd Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2023), pp. 5:1-5:15, Vol.115, Open Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs), 2023
23rd Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2023), pp. 15:1-15:6, Vol.115, Open Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs), 2023
23rd Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2023), pp. 7:1-7:18, Vol.115, Open Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs), 2023
Lucas Rickert, Timm Gao, Felix Urban, Jan Große, Nicole Srocka, Sven Rodt, Anna Musial, Kinga Zolnacz, Pawel Mergo, Kamil Dybka, Waclaw Urbanczyk, Grzegorz Sek, Sven Burger, Stephan Reitzenstein, Tobias Heindel
Timm Gao, Lucas Rickert, Felix Urban, Jan Große, Nicole Srocka, Sven Rodt, Anna Musial, Kinga Zolnacz, Pawel Mergo, Kamil Dybka, Waclaw Urbanczyk, Grzegorz Sek, Sven Burger, Stephan Reitzenstein, Tobias Heindel
Oscar Avalos-Ovando, Eva Yazmin Santiago, Artur Movsesyan, Xiang-Tian Kong, Peng Yu, Lucas V. Besteiro, Larousse Khosravi Khorashad, Hiromi Okamoto, Joseph M. Slocik, Miguel Correa-Duarte, Miguel Comesana-Hermo, Tim Liedl, Gil Markovich, Sven Burger, Alexander O. Govorov
The 35th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS 2022), pp. 1891-1902, 2022
22nd Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2022), pp. 11:1-11:8, Vol.106, Open Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs), 2022
Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS 2022), pp. 1937-1948, 2022 (in press)
The 35th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS 2022), pp. 1937-1948, 2022
Operations Research Proceedings 2021. OR 2021., Norbert Trautmann, Mario Drägi (Eds.), pp. 39-44, Lecture Notes in Operations Research, 2022, ISBN: 978-3-031-08623-6 (preprint available as )
Operations Research Proceedings 2021, Norbert Trautmann, Mario Drägi (Eds.), pp. 295-301, Lecture Notes in Operations Research, 2022, ISBN: 978-3-031-08623-6 (preprint available as )
22nd Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2022), pp. 3:1-3:19, Vol.106, Open Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs), 2022 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 22-13)
Lucas Rickert, Timm Gao, Felix Urban, Jan Große, Nicole Srocka, Sven Rodt, Anna Musial, Kinga Zolnacz, Pawel Mergo, Kamil Dybka, Waclaw Urbanczyk, Grzegorz Sek, Sven Burger, Stephan Reitzenstein, Heindel Tobias
Chengxin Dai, Anja Füllgrabe, Julianus Pfeuffer, Elizaveta M. Solovyeva, Jingwen Deng, Pablo Moreno, Selvakumar Kamatchinathan, Deepti Jaiswal Kundu, Nancy George, Silvie Fexovy, Björn Grüning, Melanie Christine Föll, Johannes Griss, Marc Vaudel, Enrique Audain, Marie Locard-Paulet, Michael Turewicz, Martin Eisenacher, Julian Uszkoreit, Tim Van Den Bossche, Veit Schwämmle, Henry Webel, Stefan Schulze, David Bouyssié, Savita Jayaram, Vinay Kumar Duggineni, Patroklos Samaras, Mathias Wilhelm, Meena Choi, Mingxun Wang, Oliver Kohlbacher, Alvis Brazma, Irene Papatheodorou, Nuno Bandeira, Eric W. Deutsch, Juan Antonio Vizcaíno, Mingze Bai, Timo Sachsenberg, Lev I. Levitsky, Yasset Perez-Riverol
27th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2021), pp. 52:1-52:17, Vol.210, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), 2021 (epub ahead of print)
Jianning Li, Pedro Pimentel, Angelika Szengel, Moritz Ehlke, Hans Lamecker, Stefan Zachow, Laura Estacio, Christian Doenitz, Heiko Ramm, Haochen Shi, Xiaojun Chen, Franco Matzkin, Virginia Newcombe, Enzo Ferrante, Yuan Jin, David G. Ellis, Michele R. Aizenberg, Oldrich Kodym, Michal Spanel, Adam Herout, James G. Mainprize, Zachary Fishman, Michael R. Hardisty, Amirhossein Bayat, Suprosanna Shit, Bomin Wang, Zhi Liu, Matthias Eder, Antonio Pepe, Christina Gsaxner, Victor Alves, Ulrike Zefferer, Cord von Campe, Karin Pistracher, Ute Schäfer, Dieter Schmalstieg, Bjoern H. Menze, Ben Glocker, Jan Egger
Ralf Borndörfer, Thomas Eßer, Patrick Frankenberger, Andreas Huck, Christoph Jobmann, Boris Krostitz, Karsten Kuchenbecker, Kai Moorhagen, Philipp Nagl, Michael Peterson, Markus Reuther, Thilo Schang, Michael Schoch, Hanno Schülldorf, Peter Schütz, Tobias Therolf, Kerstin Waas, Steffen Weider
21st Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2021), pp. 2:1-2:14, Vol.96, Open Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs), 2021 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 21-18)
Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: 22th International Conference, IPCO 2021, pp. 473-487, 2021 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 20-28)
21st Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2021), pp. 7:1-7:15, Vol.96, Open Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs), 2021 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 21-17)
Anjany Sekuboyina, Malek E. Husseini, Amirhossein Bayat, Maximilian Löffler, Hans Liebl, Hongwei Li, Giles Tetteh, Jan Kukačka, Christian Payer, Darko Štern, Martin Urschler, Maodong Chen, Dalong Cheng, Nikolas Lessmann, Yujin Hu, Tianfu Wang, Dong Yang, Daguang Xu, Felix Ambellan, Tamaz Amiranashvili, Moritz Ehlke, Hans Lamecker, Sebastian Lehnert, Marilia Lirio, Nicolás Pérez de Olaguer, Heiko Ramm, Manish Sahu, Alexander Tack, Stefan Zachow, Tao Jiang, Xinjun Ma, Christoph Angerman, Xin Wang, Kevin Brown, Alexandre Kirszenberg, Élodie Puybareau, Di Chen, Yiwei Bai, Brandon H. Rapazzo, Timyoas Yeah, Amber Zhang, Shangliang Xu, Feng Hou, Zhiqiang He, Chan Zeng, Zheng Xiangshang, Xu Liming, Tucker J. Netherton, Raymond P. Mumme, Laurence E. Court, Zixun Huang, Chenhang He, Li-Wen Wang, Sai Ho Ling, Lê Duy Huynh, Nicolas Boutry, Roman Jakubicek, Jiri Chmelik, Supriti Mulay, Mohanasankar Sivaprakasam, Johannes C. Paetzold, Suprosanna Shit, Ivan Ezhov, Benedikt Wiestler, Ben Glocker, Alexander Valentinitsch, Markus Rempfler, Björn H. Menze, Jan S. Kirschke
YongTian Liang, Chengji Piao, Christine B. Beuschel, David Toppe, Laxmikanth Kollipara, Boris Bogdanow, Marta Maglione, Janine Lützkendorf, Jason Chun Kit See, Sheng Huang, Tim Conrad, Ulrich Kintscher, Frank Madeo, Fan Liu, Albert Sickmann, Stephan J. Sigrist
Conference, pp. 601-613, International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, 2020 (in press)
Thorsten Koch, Martin Schmidt, Benjamin Hiller, Marc Pfetsch, Björn Geißler, René Henrion, Imke Joormann, Alexander Martin, Antonio Morsi, Werner Römisch, Lars Schewe, Rüdiger Schultz
Conference, pp. 627-639, International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, 2020 (in press)
Anna Musiał, Kinga Żołnacz, Nicole Srocka, Oleh Kravets, Jan Große, Jacek Olszewski, Krzysztof Poturaj, Grzegorz Wojcik, Paweł Mergo, Kamil Dybka, Mariusz Dyrkacz, Michal Dlubek, Kristian Lauritsen, Andreas Bülter, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Lin Zschiedrich, Sven Burger, Sven Rodt, Wacław Urbanczyk, Grzegorz Sek, Stephan Reitzenstein
Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: 21th International Conference, IPCO 2020, pp. 307-321, 2020 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 19-56)
R. Schwarz, F. Lacalandra, L. Schewe, A. Bettinelli, D. Vigo, A. Bischi, T. Parriani, E. Martelli, K. Vuik, R. Lenz, H. Madsen, I. Blanco, D. Guericke, I. Yüksel-Ergün, J. Zittel
Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: 21th International Conference, IPCO 2020, pp. 322-337, 2020 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 19-55)
Anna Musiał, Kinga Żołnacz, Nicole Srocka, Oleh Kravets, Jan Große, Jacek Olszewski, Krzysztof Poturaj, Grzegorz Wojcik, Paweł Mergo, Dybka Kamil, Mariusz Dyrkacz, Michal Dlubek, Kristian Lauritsen, Andreas Bülter, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Lin Zschiedrich, Sven Burger, Sven Rodt, Wacław Urbanczyk, Grzegorz Sek, Stephan Reitzenstein
M. Diekerhof, A. Monti, E. Lebedeva, A. H. Tkaczyk, I. Yüksel-Ergün, J. Zittel, L. F. Escudero, A. Soroudi, C. Helmberg, Ž. Kanovíc, M. Petkovic, F. Lacalandra, A. Frangioni, J. Lee, A. De Filippo, M. Lombardi, M. Milano, P. Ezran, Y. Haddad
Norbert Lindow, Florian Brünig, Vincent J. Dercksen, Gunar Fabig, Robert Kiewisz, Stefanie Redemann, Thomas Müller-Reichert, Steffen Prohaska, Daniel Baum
Advances om Dynamics, Optimization and Computation.
Series: Studies in Systems, Decision and Control. A volume dedicated to Michael Dellnitz on his 60th birthday, Vol.304, pp. 109-131, Oliver Junge, O. Schütze, Gary Froyland, S. Ober-Blobaum, K. Padberg-Gehle (Eds.), Springer International, 2020, ISBN: 978-3-030-51264-4
Anjany Sekuboyina, Amirhossein Bayat, Malek E. Husseini, Maximilian Löffler, Hongwei Li, Giles Tetteh, Jan Kukačka, Christian Payer, Darko Štern, Martin Urschler, Maodong Chen, Dalong Cheng, Nikolas Lessmann, Yujin Hu, Tianfu Wang, Dong Yang, Daguang Xu, Felix Ambellan, Tamaz Amiranashvili, Moritz Ehlke, Hans Lamecker, Sebastian Lehnert, Marilia Lirio, Nicolás Pérez de Olaguer, Heiko Ramm, Manish Sahu, Alexander Tack, Stefan Zachow, Tao Jiang, Xinjun Ma, Christoph Angerman, Xin Wang, Qingyue Wei, Kevin Brown, Matthias Wolf, Alexandre Kirszenberg, Élodie Puybareau, Alexander Valentinitsch, Markus Rempfler, Björn H. Menze, Jan S. Kirschke
19th Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2019), Valentina Cacchiani, Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela (Eds.), pp. 1:1-1:12, Vol.75, OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs), 2019 (epub ahead of print, preprint available as ZIB-Report 19-61)
Pooja Gupta, Sarah Peter, Markus Jung, Astrid Lewin, Georg Hemmrich-Stanisak, Andre Franke, Max von Kleist, Christof Schütte, Ralf Einspanier, Soroush Sharbati, Jennifer zur Bruegge
Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research. CPAIOR 2019, pp. 529-539, Vol.11494, LNCS, 2019 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 18-58)
Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction. CD-MAKE 2019, A. Holzinger, P. Kieseberg, A. Tjoa, E. Weippl (Eds.), Vol.11713, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2019
Applications of Differential-Algebraic Equations: Examples and Benchmarks, Springer International Publishing, pp. 171-197, 2019, ISBN: 978-3-030-03718-5 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 17-73)
A. Lodi, V. Nagarajan (eds), Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: 20th International Conference, IPCO 2019, pp. 385-398, Vol.11480, LNCS, 2019 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 18-59)
Fabio Furini, Emiliano Traversi, Pietro Belotti, Antonio Frangioni, Ambros Gleixner, Nick Gould, Leo Liberti, Andrea Lodi, Ruth Misener, Hans Mittelmann, Nikolaos V. Sahinidis, Stefan Vigerske, Angelika Wiegele
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis - RailNorrköping 2019, pp. 160-168, Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings(069), 2019, ISBN: 978-91-7929-992-7 (epub ahead of print, preprint available as ZIB-Report 19-02)
Biomedical Visualisation, Paul M. Rea (Ed.), Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 1, pp. 67-84, 2019, ISBN: 978-3-030-19384-3, ISBN: 978-3-030-19385-0 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 19-13)
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis - RailNorrköping 2019, pp. 148-159, Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings(069), 2019, ISBN: 978-91-7929-992-7
Operations Research Proceedings 2017, Natalia Kliewer, Jan Fabian Ehmke, Ralf Borndörfer (Eds.), pp. 309-316, Vol.Operations Research Proceedings 2017, 2018 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 17-36)
18th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2018), pp. 16:1-16:15, Vol.65, OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs), 2018 (preprint available as )
OR 2018: International Conference on Operations Research, Operations Research 2018 Proceedings, 2018 (accepted for publication, preprint available as ZIB-Report 18-36)
AAAI-19: Proceedings of the Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2018 (accepted for publication, preprint available as ZIB-Report 19-11)
Erwin Abbink, Andreas Bärmann, Nikola Bešinovic, Markus Bohlin, Valentina Cacchiani, Gabrio Caimi, Stefano de Fabris, Twan Dollevoet, Frank Fischer, Armin Fügenschuh, Laura Galli, Rob M.P. Goverde, Ronny Hansmann, Henning Homfeld, Dennis Huisman, Marc Johann, Torsten Klug, Johanna Törnquist Krasemann, Leo Kroon, Leonardo Lamorgese, Frauke Liers, Carlo Mannino, Giorgio Medeossi, Dario Pacciarelli, Markus Reuther, Thomas Schlechte, Marie Schmidt, Anita Schöbel, Hanno Schülldorf, Anke Stieber, Sebastian Stiller, Paolo Toth, Uwe Zimmermann
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS 2018), 2018
Thomas Breuer, Michael Bussieck, Karl-Kien Cao, Felix Cebulla, Frederik Fiand, Hans Christian Gils, Ambros Gleixner, Dmitry Khabi, Thorsten Koch, Daniel Rehfeldt, Manuel Wetzel
INOC 2017 – 8th International Network Optimization Conference, pp. 35-44, Vol.64, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 2018 (preprint available as )
17th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2017), Gianlorenzo D'Angelo, Twan Dollevoet (Eds.), Vol.59, 2017 (preprint available as )
16th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA 2017), pp. 6:1-6:11, Vol.75, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), 2017 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 16-71)
L. Seeber, Tim Conrad, Christian Hoppe, Patrick Obermeier, X. Chen, K. Karsch, S. Muehlhans, Franziska Tief, Sindy Boettcher, S. Diedrich, Brunhilde Schweiger, Barbara Rath
Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming. CPAIOR 2017, pp. 211-222, Vol.10335, LNCS, 2017 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 16-63)
Martin Schmidt, Denis Assmann, Robert Burlacu, Jesco Humpola, Imke Joormann, Nikolaos Kanelakis, Thorsten Koch, Djamal Oucherif, Marc Pfetsch, Lars Schewe, Robert Schwarz, Matthias Sirvent
Barbara Rath, Tim Conrad, Puja Myles, Maren Alchikh, Xiaolin Ma, Christian Hoppe, Franziska Tief, Xi Chen, Patrick Obermeier, Bron Kisler, Brunhilde Schweiger
17th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2017), Gianlorenzo D'Angelo, Twan Dollevoet (Eds.), Vol.59, 2017, ISBN: 978-3-95977-042-2 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 17-46)
F. Eisenbrand and J. Koenemann, eds., Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: 19th International Conference, IPCO 2017, pp. 148-160, Vol.10328, LNCS, 2017 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 16-58)
Franziska Tief, Christian Hoppe, L. Seeber, Patrick Obermeier, X. Chen, K. Karsch, S. Muehlhans, E. Adamou, Tim Conrad, Brunhilde Schweiger, T. Adam, Barbara Rath
Patrick Obermeier, S. Muehlhans, Christian Hoppe, K. Karsch, Franziska Tief, L. Seeber, X. Chen, Tim Conrad, Sindy Boettcher, S. Diedrich, Barbara Rath
Christian Hoppe, Patrick Obermeier, S. Mehlhans, Maren Alchikh, L. Seeber, Franziska Tief, K. Karsch, X. Chen, Sindy Boettcher, S. Diedrich, Tim Conrad
16th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2016), Goerigk Marc (Ed.), Vol.54, OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs), 2016
16th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2016), Marc Goerigk, Renato Werneck (Eds.), pp. 1-13, Vol.54, OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs), 2016, ISBN: 978-3-95977-021-7 (epub ahead of print)
Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming. CPAIOR 2015, pp. 141-156, Vol.9075, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2015 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 15-10)
Benjamin Hiller, Jesco Humpola, Thomas Lehmann, Ralf Lenz, Antonio Morsi, Marc Pfetsch, Lars Schewe, Martin Schmidt, Robert Schwarz, Jonas Schweiger, Claudia Stangl, Bernhard Willert
Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming, pp. 199-214, Vol.9075, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2015 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 15-28)
Tim Conrad, K. Karsch, Patrick Obermeier, L. Seeber, X. Chen, Franziska Tief, S. Muehlhans, Christian Hoppe, Sindy Boettcher, S. Diedrich, Barbara Rath
15th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2015), pp. 111-129, Vol.48, OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs), 2015
pp. 181-192, Vol.9125, Experimental Algorithms, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2015, ISBN: 978-3-319-20086-6 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 15-24)
14th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems, pp. 79-91, Vol.42, OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs), 2014 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 14-26)
14th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems, pp. 62-78, Vol.42, OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs), 2014
MATHEON-Mathematics for Key Technologies, Vol.1, pp. 66-67, Peter Deuflhard, Martin Grötschel, Dietmar Hömberg, Ulrich Horst, Jürg Kramer, Volker Mehrmann, Konrad Polthier, Frank Schmidt, Martin Skutella, Jürgen Sprekels (Eds.), European Mathematical Society, 2014
Armin Fügenschuh, Björn Geißler, Ralf Gollmer, Christine Hayn, René Henrion, Benjamin Hiller, Jesco Humpola, Thorsten Koch, Thomas Lehmann, Alexander Martin, Radoslava Mirkov, Antonio Morsi, Werner Römisch, Jessica Rövekamp, Lars Schewe, Martin Schmidt, Rüdiger Schultz, Robert Schwarz, Jonas Schweiger, Claudia Stangl, Marc Steinbach, Bernhard Willert
11th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems, OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs)(20), pp. 146-155, 2011 (preprint available as ZIB-Report 11-36)
Alexander Martin, Björn Geißler, Christine Heyn, Benjamin Hiller, Jesco Humpola, Thorsten Koch, Thomas Lehmann, Antonio Morsi, Marc Pfetsch, Lars Schewe, Martin Schmidt, Rüdiger Schultz, Robert Schwarz, Jonas Schweiger, Marc Steinbach, Bernhard Willert