ZIB der 2. ISM-ZIB-IMI MODAL Workshop zu Mathematischer Optimierung und Datenanalyse statt. Thorsten Koch vom Forschungscampus MODAL organisierte diesen sehr erfolgreichen und interessanten Workshop gemeinsam mit Herrn Satoshi Ito vom Institute of Statistical Mathematics (ISM) in Tokio und Herrn Katsuki Fujisawa vom Institute of Mathematics in Industry (IMI) der Kyushu Universität. 33 Expertinnen und Experten...Read More
The 1st ISM-ZIB-IMI Joint Workshop on Optimization and Data-intensive High Performance Computing took place in Tokyo on January 19-22. Together with representatives from the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), researchers from the Japanese companies Fujitsi, Hitachi, NTT, Preferred Networks, and Toshiba, from Osaka Prefecture, and from several academic insitutions, including the Japanese Institute of Statistical Mathematics...Read More